Hey everybody, welcome to my new blog! It is part of my website, www.pammarshallrealtor.com. Be sure to check back over the next few weeks as there are some cool things happening here. I will be updating this blog on a regular basis with information about Charleston SC real estate, Mt Pleasant SC real estate and real estate in general. If you have any specific questions or topics you would like addressed, just let me know.

I will also be updating my site with some videos which will also cover some information for people looking to buy or sell Charleston SC real estate. Eventually my site will be a vast resource of information, providing home buyers with a one stop solution and also providing sellers helpful information about why I am the right agent to list their home. It is a work in progress, and it will take some time to get this site where I want it, but one step at a time! In the meantime, for my friends, family and sphere of influence don’t hesitate to share my posts, videos and website with anyone you know that is looking to buy or sell Mt Pleasant SC real estate or anywhere else within the greater Charleston SC real estate market.

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